Why Having a Food Wash in the Kitchen Is Important to Your Family’s Health

Washing important food before eating

In today’s world, we are so busy saving every second life we lose at the dinner table and cooking dinner that we forget that food washing is also an important part of the family’s health.

According to the bacterial culture specialist at DevOnline Medical Center in Aberdeen, Scotland, it is believed that making sure that the colon is rinsed is good for your health. This process helps to rid the colon of toxic waste and water that could be collected in the intestinal tract and is also known to help with the balance of bacteria in the intestines.

Creddit : USDAFoodSafety Yt Channel

There is a build-up ofectorotonin in the intestines, and the higher levels of this chemical can cause people to feel more sleepy during the day, and make it difficult to concentrate. This loss of concentration could be very dangerous for someone who suffers from standard syndrome adjustments because this puts a person at risk of falling asleep during their regular daytime hours where many different physical and mental disorders can begin to take effect.

Making the family fit also means that we need to make sure that we have all of our meals in the kitchen. After all, it is where the majority of the cooking is done. However, sometimes, in the rush of preparing, we may not wash our food properly and the proteins that we believe are healthy and tasty-such as chicken and fish-are often frozen right next to the gathering table.

Although the meal will continue to taste good, the proteins will have seared in the bottom of the pot, and the cooking will have left much moisture intact proteins that the host was not careful to remove from the cooking surface.


Additionally, the host may use all of the prepared foods that were used on the day of the meal. Therefore, the proteins that were used and believed to be safe to eat are now useless. In addition, typical cooking in the round pot can leave us with uneven portions, a misalignment of the spine, and a radiance that may have been prevented if we had simply washed the meals that were to be used.

Because we do not always wash the foods that we prepare in the kitchen, we place them in a bowl that we clean and rinse in a warm setting. However, the secret to the healthiest meal is not in the cooking itself, but in the preparation. washed, cleaned, and rinse foods should be placed in a bowl that is clean and ready for the meal that you will be preparing. If you want to retain the foods’ moisture and avoid overheating in the process of preparing your meal for the next day, they are best prepared in a stainless steel cook pot or French fry pan.

How to wash Food with water

Washing fresh fruits and vegetables in cool water before eating them is a good practice when it comes to health hygiene and food safety.

Note that fresh produce should not be washed until right before you’re ready to eat it. Washing fruits and vegetables before storing them may create an environment in which bacterial growth is more likely.

Before you begin washing fresh produce, wash your hands well with soap and water. Be sure that any utensils, sinks, and surfaces you’re using to prepare your products are also thoroughly cleaned first.

Begin by cutting away any bruised or visibly rotten areas of fresh produce. If you’re handling fruit or vegetable that’ll be peeled, such as orange, wash it before peeling it to prevent any surface bacteria from entering the flesh.

The general methods to wash produce are as follows ( 3Trusted Source ):

  • Vegetable and fruit Fruits with firmer skins like apples, lemons, and pears, as well as root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and turnips, can benefit from being brushed with a clean, soft bristle to better remove residues from their pores.
  • Leafy greens. Spinach, lettuce, Swiss chard, leeks, and cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts and bok choy should have their outermost layer removed, then be submerged in a bowl of cool water, swished, drained, and rinsed with fresh water.
  • Delicate produce. Berries, mushrooms, and other types of produce that are more likely to fall apart can be cleaned with a steady stream of water and gentle friction using your fingers to remove grit.

Once you have thoroughly rinsed your produce, dry it using a clean paper or cloth towel. More fragile produce can be laid out on the towel and gently patted or rolled around to dry them without damaging them.

Before consuming your fruits and veggies, follow the simple steps above to minimize the amount of germs and substances that may be on them.

If you are going to use the traditional oatmeal or miso soup, that is best prepared in a glass jar(s) which should be filled with water and held warm and refrigerated, and cooled completely either in the refrigerator or the microwave. If you are going to use fresh herbs, they need to be dimethyl sulfide or extract.

I know that this has been a totally new concept for most of us, and we probably have our own differing philosophies about when to prepare food. However, doing things in order to achieve optimal health and a happy meal not only enhances the quality of your life but contributes to your enjoyment of doing the dishes.

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