The Proven Treatment of Tourette Syndrome #2

Credit: Child Mind Institute YT Channel

The treatment of Tourette syndrome is complicated by the fact that there is no one known cause of the syndrome and that it affects people of all ages. It is most often a combination of factors that creates the problem. The following are some of the treatment options available.

dictated by a variety of factors. It is likely that Tourette syndrome will develop in children, but it is not uncommon to see cases in adults as well. The syndrome is not caused by neurological problems and so even a brain injury or seizures have been known to cause Tourette syndrome.

Behavioral Therapy

Treatment of Tourette Syndrome

Treatment of Tourettes Syndrome will almost certainly include a combination of behavioral and cognitive therapy. The goals of behavioral therapy are to help the patient manage distractibility, catastrophic effects of alcohol or other drugs, and distractibility is very much an involved part of managing Tourettes syndrome.

The patient will need to learn to pause throughout the motor or vocal tics and be especially careful of blushing since that can have far reaching effects.


As of now, there is no known cure for Tourettes. However, it is usually very effective in reducing the frequency and severity of episodes of tics. It is also a good treatment option for helping patients manage external forces such as alcohol.

Other Treatments

H calendarinemia, a disease that occurs in the developing body (in the fetus, in the young child, in the elderly, and in women of reproductive age) is also known to cause Tourette’s syndrome. In this case, medications are usually effective in preventing the onset of tics.

Surgery. When all of the above treatments fail to eliminate or effectively reduce tics, then surgery may be the only course of action. Surgery is often recommended for patients of advanced age. The surgery is generally thought to be the most effective method of reducing or completely eliminating Tourettes.


Again, it is impossible to cure Tourettes syndrome. However, there are measures you can take to try to prevent the disorder from developing. Watch your diet. Try to reduce the number of caffeinated beverages and alcohol you ingest. Stay away from substances that you know can make you feel worse when you are under stress, such as nicotine.

Talk to your doctor or health care provider about nutrition and coping strategies that may help you. Stay in control of your emotions. Keep perspective in situations that cause you to feel anxious and think before you react. Be sure to practice relaxation techniques, such as deep-breathing techniques or meditation, and make sure you have a regular exercise program, such as attending a yoga class on a regular basis. Also, practice good posture and avoid slouching while you are sitting or lying down.

Some insurance companies will cover Tourette’s syndrome treatment if it is caught in the early stage. However, before taking any type of medication, be sure to discuss all the symptoms, including how joints or muscles may feel, with your doctor.

If you are taking medication, make sure your doctor is aware of any side effects. Some drugs can cause internal bleeding and caffeinated diuretics should be avoided during pregnancy.

There is no cure for Tourette’s syndrome, but medications exist to treat the symptoms. You should pursue the conservative methods above if you are diagnosed with PMS. At the same time, you should seek therapy and help find the right treatment for you.

Once you find the right treatment, you will find that under control, you will start to feel better regularly, allowing you to live your life without the fear of another episode of Tourettes Syndrome.

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