How To Teach Yoga Classes For Beginners

Why Yoga Classes For Beginners ?

Beginners often feel intimidated and stressed when they approach a class teaching yoga. This class, therefore, presents ways for beginners to feel comfortable in an existing studio. The instructor in the class will explain the routine and incorporate fun parts of the class into the mix. Beginner students must be ready to follow instructions, take the class seriously, and ask for guidance from the instructor.

Credit : Ashley Hagen – Ashes Yoga Yt Channel

Before you enroll in a yoga class, you need to contact an instructor and ask for the presence of various yoga classes in the area. the instructor will be happy to show you where yoga classes are offered in the area. You can also contact the local yoga centers and seek information on their classes, including their beginner classes teaching methods.

Yoga classes in America are very popular, and according to the survey, yoga is the most common source of physical fitness among young people aged 18 to 25. More than 1200,000 young people participate in various types of yoga every year. This is also the best time to be a yoga beginner.

Even if you have been taking classes of this for many years, you might find that the sequencing of the classes is not harmonious with your schedule. The instructor may need to make alternate arrangements so that you can reap the benefits of all the poses in a concentrated period of time.


Understand the mindset of the beginner

Beginners are perhaps…

  • Curious
  • Nervous
  • Excited
  • Confused
  • Ambitious
  • Unsure
  • Reluctant

It takes a few sessions to get the beginner student to settle in. But as their yoga teacher, you want to move them from confusion, doubt, and nervousness to a state of clarity, control, and enjoyment in their practice. The more we’re able to build a rapport and connect with our students, the easier it will be to bring them back to learn more yoga.  

Some easy ways to build rapport and trust are:

  • Learn their names
  • Ask if they have any past injuries or medical history that you need to be aware of. Make sure to remember these details when you teach. Follow up afterward and ask if they felt okay in class
  • Watch the student’s practice and help them improve their poses
  • Notice where they get stuck and see if you can help them get unstuck. For example, if a student is struggling in vrkshasana (tree pose) think of ways in which you can make the pose more accessible. For example, suggest that they use a wall, lower the leg, fix the gaze, etc. Also remind them that it’s completely natural to fall in these balances
  • Smile at your students and maintain eye contact
  • Make sure no one gets ignored in class
  • Help them to stay involved and do more yoga after the series ends

Beginner Student

Before teaching you the various Asanas and Half Past Ten, ask the teacher of this class to explain the meaning behind the pose. Guide the students through the routine by alternating with the explanations.

If you are a beginner, you should strive to have adequate preparation before you attempt the poses. At least one companion should be with you at all times, and you should not attempt to do each pose alone. The senior students should be very careful while maneuvering around the mat and balanced bodies.

Intermediate students

In between the beginner and the advanced level, you might be a beginner again, or you just need a break after the challenging theories. The senior students must be careful with their balancing. The sequence should be something fresh to the variations for beginners. The students should not feel rushed. It is their choice whether or not to practice with forced sequences.

Advanced students

You might be an advanced student and you have been studying for a longer period. The professor might have a specific idea for the pacing of the class or he may prefer to place the class in a certain sequence. Advanced students will benefit from extended sequences. The professor will cite specific examples of yogic positions to explain the yogic texts.

Although, before attempting the poses, the students must be sure of their shoulders’ position. probes must be placed about two inches in front, and in between the shoulders.

It is important to be aware of uneven desks, chairs, farther away from the table, low seating, and misalignment of mirrors. Additionally, be aware of improper posture as you approach the instructor to correct your posture.

After preparing, searching for reviews, you will know whether you have chosen an Entering Yoga Class which provides a complete course of study for its students.

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