How to Stop Biting Your Nails

Why do people always bite their nails?

One problem that’s often a problem for many people is biting the nails. While it’s generally not considered good habits or even a disease, there are ways to stop. It’s generally a habit that’s been developed over time, as well as being associated with other problems, so in order to stop, you need to know what you’re doing and why. Let’s look at why it’s so hard to stop biting your fingernails and how to stop.

Biting your nails can make your nails look extremely bad. It can cause cuticles to bleed, become infected and if it’s bad enough, make your hands appear cracked. Cracked hands can be painful, especially when rubbing your fingers for too long can cause swelling, redness, and cracked fingertips.

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To stop, you need a plan. There are various things that can work, from products to special nail polish, but all it takes is something of interest or simply something you enjoy.

Some products include a bitter or bad-tasting substance that you apply to your fingertips, then when you put your fingers to your mouth, you’ll be reminded of your evil nails.

If that’s not something you want to do, you could always splurge and buy a special nail polish that has a nasty taste. You’ll just use the gel to mask the taste, but it’s still not as elegant as the old Habenerick nail polish, so use your willpower to your advantage. Anything you can think of that will keep you from biting your nails should be effective.


Content your life with clips or no clips – this will free you from the embarrassment of having unsightly fingers. If you must use clips, don’t pick the ones with spirals on them, as this type is designed to stop the tip of your fingernails from digging into your skin.

This one’s a bit of a catch twenty-two, but for some reason, when we bite our nails, we always seem to have bad cuts right where the cuticles meet the skin. This results in intermittent bleeding, which means that in a time away, you could be bleeding all over the place, which of course, makes perfect ingredients for bacteria to keep jumping from one area of your body to the next. When this happens, you really need to take steps to quit.

Start off with a blister sandwich, wherein you merely have a slice of bread with the crouton intact. Apply this to the cuticle and you’ll instantly stop the bleeding. This little technique is quite remarkable, especially if you catch yourself biting your nails, and it just might be what you need to make an effective speedy quit.

When you really feel like biting your nails, wrap a piece of masking tape around the tip of your fingernail and secure it with a safety pin. This tape will act as protection just in case you go through with biting your fingernails. It also alerts you that you have started biting your fingernails, and prevents you from biting your own nails in the future. This extrapolates into stop biting your nails!

If you know where you’re going, you’re less likely to wobble. Stand still and follow these steps to guarantee that you quit biting your fingernails. This is definitely one way to stop nail biting that’s sure to yield results. So give it a try, you might be surprised how this small thing will make your fingernail biting problem go away.

Dermatologists offer the following strategies to assist you quit chewing your nails:

  • Keep your nails short and tidy. There is less to bite and is less appealing with fewer nails.
  • Apply nail paint that has a bitter taste on your nails. This harmless, but unpleasant-tasting, over-the-counter solution deters many individuals from chewing their nails.
  • Get manicures on a regular basis. You may be less prone to bite your nails if you spend money to keep them looking nice. To avoid biting, tape or stickers can be used to cover your nails, or you can wear gloves.
  • Replace your bad habit of chewing your nails with a positive one. If you’re tempted to bite your nails, try a stress ball or silly putty instead. This will keep your hands occupied and out of your mouth.
  • Recognize your personal triggers. These might be physical triggers like hangnails or psychological triggers like boredom, worry, or anxiety. You may find out how to avoid these circumstances and make a strategy to quit biting your nails by determining what triggers you to bite your nails. Knowing when you’re prone to bite might be enough to address the problem.
  • Try to gradually stop biting your nails. Some doctors recommend taking a gradual approach to break the habit. Try to stop biting one set of nails, such as your thumb nails, first. When that’s successful, eliminate your pinky nails, pointer nails, or even an entire hand. The goal is to get to the point where you no longer bite any of your nails.

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