Does Mayonnaise Need to be Refrigerated? Comprehensive Guide and Facts to Know (2022)

Mayonnaise is one of those condiments that can be a bit tricky to store correctly. Some people believe that mayonnaise should always be refrigerated, while others believe that it doesn’t need to be. 

In this article, we’re going to explore the pros and cons of refrigerating mayonnaise, and provide you with the answer to the question: does mayonnaise need to be refrigerated?

How To Store Mayonnaise Properly


Mayonnaise is a condiment that is often used in food, but many people are still unsure of how to store it. The answer is yes, mayonnaise needs to be refrigerated, but the fridge isn’t the only place it should be stored. 

Making sure the oil and water are separated is the most important part of storing mayonnaise. 

This means you should store it in an airtight container, preferably in the fridge. If you’re feeling creative, you can even experiment with different variations of mayonnaise-like aioli or pesto in your cooking. Just make sure you keep the container tightly closed so air cannot enter and spoil the condiment.

Mayonnaise is a condiment that needs to be refrigerated to maintain its quality and consistency. This is because mayonnaise is a condiment that is made of eggs, oil, and lemon juice, which are all high in acid. 

If mayonnaise isn’t refrigerated, the acid in the lemon juice will turn it green. This is not something you want on your sandwich – trust us! Always place a layer of plastic wrap between the open jar and the surface it’s sitting on to prevent bacteria growth. 

And if you find yourself with an extra jar of mayonnaise, store it in the fridge to keep it fresh and free of spoilage.

Refrigerating mayonnaise does have some benefits, but it’s not the best way to store it. Refrigeration mayonnaise can make it lumpy after a while and it won’t last as long as regular mayonnaise.

One big benefit of refrigerating mayonnaise is that it helps protect the eggs and oil from going bad. This is because refrigeration slows down the growth of bacteria which can spoil the product. Refrigeration also keeps the flavor strong and prevents bacterial growth.


Generally speaking, mayonnaise does not need to be refrigerated and can actually be stored at room temperature. However, it is always recommended that you store mayonnaise in a cold and dark place to help keep the milk proteins and lactose stable. Refrigerating the mayonnaise will help to prevent these proteins from coagulating.

You can read our articles more about mayonnaise here:

We have compiled everything from mayonnaise facts and how to, so if you have interest in mayonnaise storing or facts, you can check out our articles above. Thanks for visiting this blog!

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